Year: 2020
Client: GC Rieber
Area: xxxxxxx m2
I 1855 kom de moderne tider til Solheimsviken: Michael Krohn etablerte Bergens Mekaniske Verksted for å bygge dampskip av jern. Inntil da var treskipene dominerende på de syv hav. Etter at skipsverftet i Solheimsviken ble avviklet i 1991 har GC Rieber AS videreutviklet området til næringspark.
I 2020 bygges det nye Skipet kontorbygg med konstruksjoner av tre.
Skipet blir sertifisert BREEAM EXELLENT – verdens ledende sertifisering for vurdering av bærekraftighet.
CLT (Cross Laminated Timber – Massivtre) teknologi bidrar til å redusere karbonutslippene i byggenæringen. Dette gjør Skipet enda mer bærekraftig.
Anerkjent og utgitt av Nordisk Ministerråd i publiseringen: “Wood in Construction: 25 Cases of Nordic Good Practice, Copenhagen, 2019. Blant annet også publisert i “A-MAGASINET”, 2019
Paal J Kahrs Arkitekter AS + Holon Arkitektur for GC Rieber Eiendom
Gullhorgabu tourist cabin
Year: 2014
Client: Bergen Turlag
Area: 320 m2
Location: Bergsdalen, Samnager kommune, Norway
Bergen Trekking Assosiation’s cabin in Bergsdalen is situated in an adventurous landscape. After the legend from the Viking Age there is a gold treasure hidden in the pond here. The local king of Samnanger was on the run from the king of Voss. They had been in conflict. He would not let the king of Voss get hold of the gold table, and therefore he threw it into the pond.
The new cabins are in a way made to reminisce that story. Colorful windows and doors are a bit like a treasure chest. They sparkle like the treasure in the pond.
The facility consists of three buildings: Self-catering main cabin on two floors with 24 beds, “Security cabin” with 6 beds and Toilet cabin (4 seats).
The buildings are positioned in a way that they can be experienced as a cabin yard. Architecturally, the buildings are related to each other and have a holistic touch.
The powerful colors are intentionally used in detail and not on large surfaces. From a distance, the cabins are experienced as traditional trekking cabins with colors and materials that do not stand out from the landscape. As one approaches the cabins, the colors give an unexpected and new dimension to the experience of the place.
Gullhorgabu is situated about 3 hours walk from the road at Småbrekke in Bergsdalen.