Year: 2020
Client: GC Rieber
Area: xxxxxxx m2
I 1855 kom de moderne tider til Solheimsviken: Michael Krohn etablerte Bergens Mekaniske Verksted for å bygge dampskip av jern. Inntil da var treskipene dominerende på de syv hav. Etter at skipsverftet i Solheimsviken ble avviklet i 1991 har GC Rieber AS videreutviklet området til næringspark.
I 2020 bygges det nye Skipet kontorbygg med konstruksjoner av tre.
Skipet blir sertifisert BREEAM EXELLENT – verdens ledende sertifisering for vurdering av bærekraftighet.
CLT (Cross Laminated Timber – Massivtre) teknologi bidrar til å redusere karbonutslippene i byggenæringen. Dette gjør Skipet enda mer bærekraftig.
Anerkjent og utgitt av Nordisk Ministerråd i publiseringen: “Wood in Construction: 25 Cases of Nordic Good Practice, Copenhagen, 2019. Blant annet også publisert i “A-MAGASINET”, 2019
Paal J Kahrs Arkitekter AS + Holon Arkitektur for GC Rieber Eiendom
About us
Paal J Kahrs Arkitekter AS was established in Bergen in 1986.
Since then, the office has carried out a number of projects of different design and assignment types and has won recognition and awards for these.
The range extends from shopping malls, university and cultural buildings, traffic terminals, museums and theaters, science centers, tourist resorts, offices and hotels, residential buildings, tourist cabins, to small hydro-power plants, funiculars, interior and furniture design. Design of the torch for the Lillehammer Olympics, 94 also came out from our office.
We have almost 40 years of experience leading the construction process from A - Z.
This provides great confidence for our clients. We have proven that we have the skills, execution and collaboration ability to lead and follow up projects from the first sketch idea, through the application and approval process, detailed design and follow-up to the finished building.
• to be a cool office for architecture and design
• to be a small team with high professional level
• to create colorful architecture and design that is both disciplined and playful with respect to history and context, identity and form
• to utilize technology and environmental considerations for good design
• to always give our best
• to have fun at work!

Paal J Kahrs
CEO + Project Architect MNAL
+47 920 15 284

Milan Puzigaca
Senior Architect MNAL
+47 923 27 663